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  • Reduce steam consumption more than 15%.
  • Keep the trap failure rate below 0.5%.
  • Reduce drain inspection and maintenance costs of steam traps.
  • Maximize the efficiency of the steam and condensate network.


In steam efficiency and steam savings projects in steam traps, 4 phases are distinguished:


Its objective is to quantify as accurately as possible the total value of steam losses due to the condition of the traps, known as the BASE LINE of the project or steam saving potential. There are various evaluation methods, but the most reliable is to apply the Masoneilan formula, approved by the United Nations Agency for CDM projects (Sustainable Development Mechanism – Kyoto Protocol).


It consists of analyzing the various options, in terms of the type of trap, available monitoring technologies and architectures, reliability, future maintenance cost, etc., associated with the development of the project, and assessing each one of them to obtain a comparative cost-benefit study that allows determining the viability and profitability of each option, and if applicable, selecting the most advantageous option.


This phase consists of carrying out the detailed engineering and subsequently executing all the construction tasks and installation works of the elements selected in the previous phase. It also includes the areas of testing, start-up, training of personnel, …, corresponding to the execution of the project. Emphasize that monitoring is necessary, but not sufficient to achieve the project objectives.


This is the most important phase and consists of analyzing the information obtained by the monitoring system and immediately taking the necessary actions to correct steam leaks and incidents detected by the system, which we call “INTENSIVE MAINTENANCE”. The urgency in applying these preventive and corrective actions is essential to achieve the project objectives.

Featured references

Limitations of ultrasounds

Ultrasonic detection has become a highly valuable tool for predictive maintenance, for detecting gas or vapor leaks in valves. However, it is necessary to know its limitations when it is applied to the detection of steam leaks in steam traps and steam traps, where the discharge of condensate generates expansion steam that can be erroneously interpreted as a live steam leak.

We provide specialized services focused on excellence in energy efficiency of steam networks in the oil refining and petrochemical industry sectors. Our technicians are highly qualified professionals with decades of experience, backed by excellent results.

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